Q.1 How does the money come ?

Ans : You should be knowing that the product we buy from market has its factory cost only 30% of the market price. So 70% of the market price is for profit and the advertisement of the product. But the products promoted here are directly sold from manufacturer to the customer, releasing this 60% cost in the hands of promoters (10% company profit). This 60% is distributed among associates instead of giving it to distributors, retailers and for advertisements.

Q.2 How do we receive money?

Ans : Earnings are received in the form of cheques, so please take care while filling the form. Fill same name you are having on your BANK PASSBOOK.

Q.3 How much money do I get if I refer 3 people?

Ans : The business system is binary, but very easy and leveraged for beginners. For 1st pair you get Rs. 1000.  And If you refer a 3rd person, which would be help for any of your two referrals, amazingly you get Rs. 3500   
So for first three persons you get Rs. 1000 + Rs. 3500 = Rs. 4500..!!!

Q.4 How much money can i earn from this business?

Ans : If you are highly dedicated and willing to work then you can earn upto Rs. 2 lacs per week, Rs. 8 lacs per month and Rs. 1 Crore a year.

Note : You can also earn more than 1Cr by registering yourself on more than one ID.

Q.5 How can I refer a friend?

Ans : You can mail the brochure sent by us to your friends, send link of our website to facebook, twitter or other social platforms. You can also give us his contact, we will do it for you safely. We are having a team of people working on it. Once you contact your friend just mail us his details, We will add him in your growline.

Q.6 Where can I clear my queries?

Ans : You can mail us at sssroyalachievers@gmail.com. Our associates will call you back.